Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 1- Measurements, Fitness Tests, and Embarrassment

     I told myself when I started this journey that I wouldn't be embarrassed, someone out there is just like me.....struggling. As I sit here though looking at the numbers in front of me I can't help but feel a little embarrassed, am I 32 or 92? A size 4 or a size 14? Then I remember that size and age have nothing to do with it, and what matters and I am beginning!

My Beginning Measurements

Neck: 12.25 inches
Chest at Widest: 34 inches
Chest Under Boobs: 30 inches
Waist at Bend: 28.25 inches
Waist at Belly Button: 29.75 inches
Waist at Widest: 32.75 inches
Hips at Widest: 36 inches
Thigh(Right): 20 inches
Weight: 126.6 pounds

     So I mentioned I decided to do a little fitness test as well. Now today I had to do everything inside but the exercises I decided to test on I figured would give a pretty good idea of just what I could and could not do. I did each exercise till I couldn't preform it in good form and unassisted.

My Beginning Fitness Test

Planks: 20 seconds
Sit-Ups: 0
Push-Ups: 0
Jumping Jacks: 35
Squats: 8

     So by the time you have reached here you can see why I am feeling a little bit embarrased. Now the measurements don't bother me so much as what I see in the mirror and non of those things bother me the way my fitness test does. Now honestly I can't say I have EVER done a push-up and my highest sit-up count is 8, so needless to say my fitness has never taken priority.  Luckily that is all going to change TODAY! I am going to focus on my diet and fitness from this point on. I don't want to let my children grow up the way I did.

Today's Plan

Upon waking: 2 glasses of water with lemon
Breakfast: 1 cup rice based cereal(chex), 1/2 cup rice milk, 1/2 green apple
Lunch: 1 Cup Broccoli, 1 Carrot, 1/2 ounce cheese, Small Handful Sunflower Seeds
Snack: 6 Tablespoons Hummus, 1 Carrot
Dinner: 4 ounces Chicken Breast, 1 Cup Broccoli, 1 Cup Green Tea
Dessert: 1 Cookie

Total Calories:1,374 Calories

      Now I am not a nutritionist in ANY way, I am just going to try to eat veggies or fruit at every meal and eat health proteins. Now the cookie could probably be left out and at some point I probably will but let's survive day 1 first lol.  My drinks will consist of nothing but water, at least 8 glasses. Today I am going to use my Jawbone UP band and just try to beat my average steps, which is 4,847 steps. If you want to join me please keep me posted on how your day was! Right now I am really sleep but eager to start.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

About Me

     Welcome, my name is Mellissa I am 32 years old, married, and a mother to 3 amazing children. It really isn't a secret that in my life I haven't ever been faced with having to worry about my fitness and my health. I guess you can say that I just really wasn't raised with the concern at all. We ate what we wanted, when we wanted to eat it! Now in society I am considered a "thin" person. I am 5'7" tall and weigh in at 127 pounds, and yes I wear a size. So by standards I am skinny, but the one thing I think society really has a hard time focusing on is something men sometimes joke about, size. I think over the course of the last 2 months I have realized more and more that size really doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that I am a size 4 if I can't run 100 feet without being winded. It doesn't matter if I am a size 4 if I can't do a single push-up. It turns out that size really doesn't matter if you aren't fit. I can promise that somewhere out there, there is a size 14 who can out run me, out jump me, and out climb me. Well starting today that is all going to change, today I start my journey to not worry about what size I am, but what my body can do. I hope that you will join me on my journey to health and fitness, and I hope maybe I can inspire you to start your own journey as well.